March 28, 2011

Children in Poverty

KS_2010aBy Karen Sternheimer

60 Minutes recently aired a story about children living in families so hard hit hard by the recession that they had become homeless.


Poverty is one of those subjects that many of us often prefer not to think about. Child poverty is a particularly difficult issue to broach, despite the fact that more than one in five American children now live under the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).

As you can see from the graph below, children are the age group most likely to live in poverty. While the elderly used to have higher poverty rates, by the mid-1970s those rates declined dramatically, likely in part as a result of federal programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Overall, far fewer people of all ages live in poverty now that they did 50 years ago. However, poverty rates have been rising in recent years, due in large part to the recession. The economic downturn has hit children particularly hard. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP), currently 15 million children live below the FPL and the percentage of children in poverty rose 33 percent between 2000 and 2009. NCCP suggests that families actually need to earn at least twice the FPL to be economically stable. They estimate that 31 million live in low income families, or 42 percent of American children. clip_image001

While white children comprise the largest raw number of children in poverty, African American/Black, American Indian, and Hispanic/Latino children are disproportionally more likely to live in poverty compared with white or Asian children. Children of all ethnicities who live in single mother headed households are also more likely to live in poverty.



And as you can see from the graph below, child poverty varies regionally. Children in the South have the highest poverty rates, with Mississippi’s topping out at just over 30 percent. (Puerto Rico, an American territory, has a child poverty rate of 55.9 percent.)

By contrast, the Northeast and Plains states have the lowest child poverty level, with New Hampshire the nation’s lowest at 9.5 percent.

Percent of Children under 18 in Poverty, past 12 months


Source: American Community Survey 2005-2009, U.S. Census

The NCCP’s data challenges several common beliefs about children in poverty: that it is the result of parents who won’t work, who have too many kids, and who experience generational poverty.

As the 60 Minutes story suggests, children in poverty are most likely poor as the result of a major disruptive change in their family: a lost job, an illness, divorce, or death. According to the NCCP, “Most of these children have parents who work, but low wages and unstable employment leave their families struggling to make ends meet.” The NCCP’s research also dispels several myths:

Family poverty in the U.S. is typically depicted as a static, entrenched condition, characterized by large numbers of children, chronic unemployment, drugs, violence, and family turmoil. But the realities of poverty and economic hardship are very different.

Americans often talk about “poor people” as if they are a distinct group with uniform characteristics and somehow unlike the rest of “us.” In fact, there is great diversity among children and families who experience economic hardship. Research shows that many stereotypes just aren’t accurate: a study of children born between 1970 and 1990 showed that 35 percent experienced poverty at some point during their childhood; only a small minority experienced persistent and chronic poverty. And more than 90 percent of low-income single mothers have only one, two, or three children.

Given that poverty often comes after a child’s birth, it is too simple to just suggest that poor people not have children. What other factors might reduce the growing number of children living in poverty?


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the increase of the amount of children in poverty is a clear concern in society today. When people think of children in poverty, their hearts sink largely because we have the idea that people (especially) children should have basic human rights in which everybody is entitled to a home and food. Sadly that isn't the case and thousands of children everyday die from malnutrition or poor living conditions

It's horrible how thousands of children are dying everyday because their family can not afford to keep them protected and healthy. People are to concerned about their own lives they do not do enough to help others.

I would say that generational poverty is indeed an issue. If you live in an environment infested with drugs, violence etc then it is almost impossible to get out of that cycle. Often they need to get away from those conditions and those forces make it virtually impossible to gain social mobility.

Below is a well written explanation by an author who grew up in generational poverty and found a way to escape it.

Poor people are inclined to have more children and earlier in life as often they hope that having children can help their family escape poverty as the children become young adults. But the pressure of raising good children on limited means and usually in drug infested violent environments undermines such efforts so much so that the poverty cycle continues.

The families living in poverty probably have poor internal family connections between parents and children. Because so many single moms are struggling to work in order to earn enough money to support herself and her children.

Poverty is the number one problem in the country every now and then. I hope those who have plenty of treasure will give even a bit of help.

It's unfortunate that poverty is such an issue. For a country which is supposed to have equality amongst all its citizens it's upsetting to see so many people who can't eat on a regular basis, especially kids.

The article I read was titled “Children in Povery”. This article was about the growing number of children who now live below the federal poverty level. This article talks about the increase in children in poverty since the recession. It is estimated that one in five American children are living under the poverty level. This article was very interesting and I learned that children make up most of the people that live below the poverty level and that if white children make up the highest amount of children in poverty but children who are a minority are still more likely to live below poverty levels. The U.S has a huge problem with child poverty and this really surprised me because we are supposed to be a great and caring country. Our government is always involved with foreign affairs, trying to help others meanwhile there is a huge problem in our own country. It disgusts me to think that one in five children are living below poverty level because this means they most likely don’t eat well, won’t have educational opportunities and are prone to early death. Something in this country has to be done to address this issue.

This article really hit hard for me as I come from a family where both my parents grew up in poverty and were eventually able to move up into the middle class. It is shocking to look at the statistics for children in poverty throughout the 21st century. At least 30 percent of Black, Hispanic, and American Indian children are engulfed in poverty. A disproportionate amount of single mothers across all races are in poverty. I had previously thought that the recession was over, but after watching the CBS video and reading this article, I discovered that a shocking 9 percent of the population in the U.S. today are in poverty. 16 million people in our Country do not have permanent shelter, food to eat, or clothes to wear. I believe this is a basic human right we all should not have to live without. Something needs to be done to boost our economy and our people out of this recession in order for generational poverty to not exist in our Country. To be one of the most industrialized and powerful Countries in the world, we sure are not taking enough care of our brethren.

Some other factors that could reduce the number of children living in poverty is better education. Many people that live in poverty have poor educations. For example, my father got laid off a couple of years ago and we almost sank down into that direction. However, he decided to go back to college and we have hope for the future of our life. Nowadays, no one can go anywhere without a proper education, so it's imperative to increasing a person's quality of life. Also, getting rid of the negative stereotypes could reduce the number of children living in poverty. The negative stereotypes make many children feel like it is something to be ashamed of, and it isn't because in most cases, it isn't the children's fault. If they weren't embarrassed, they would speak out so that they could receive help.

As we all know, the rate of children living under poverty has gone up in the past 10 years, and is becoming quite a concern. A child should not have to worry about if they will have a house to live in, in the next month, or even about when they will get their next meal. As a child, they should have the right to be a child, and run, and play, free of worries. For what you are saying in your article, it makes perfect sense, and I believe that we, as Americans, should make more effort to helping the people of our nation. We the people.

The problem is that people in poverty are largely unseen. They don't stand around shouting that they're living in poverty. They're ashamed. That's why food banks often leave food out at night. It always gets taken by someone. It's all very sad.

I'd like to thank you for talking about a very painful subject for me. I once had trouble feeding my kids and it is probably the worst feeling in the world.

In my Sociology Class we have been learning about Basic Human Rights, among those being the most importnat rights of equality, freedom, and happiness. Being close to the issue of poverty, part of my heart is in relation with this article. Now being taught of the rights we hold as human beings, it makes me wonder how these children are able to have these rights in the state that they are now. There should be an organization to make sure that they can lead a life to be successful no matter what their background may be. Thank you so much for writing about this rapidly increasing issue.

I just watched this. Fascinating, but sad.

I agree that people like to disregard the issue of homeless and on top of that the homelessness of children. They don't want to think about it and for sure don't want to do anything about it, because they don't think that it is going on around the world. Especially, if there are advertisements for the poor hungry children in Africa that need food and shelter because their parents died or they can't do anything for them. In America there are more homeless now because the parents got either let go or can't find a good supporting job for the family. The children are the ones that are suffering because of the economy and that is really sad. The children should not have to experience any of this. That is why we should try and help them as much as we can. We need to get the homeless rate down for children. That is why we need something from the government to help them get the children off the street instead of wasting money on random things.The children have a right to be happy and living in a good environment.

The video link above is incorrect. Original video from 60 MINUTES can be found here:

Child poverty is such a hard subject to try and fix because it's such a widespread problem. It's so hard to believe that anyone is being denied basic human rights, especially children. I agree with another commentor, who said that this problem is not as well-known as it should be. I think many people see the issue of poverty as very far away, when it's very prevalent in many communities. I think we should be raising awareness of the issue, how much closer it is than people see it.

I was so surprised to see how much child poverty has grown since the recession. Today's issues are so similar to that of the Great Depression. The middle class are losing their homes and looking for any work they can. Listing to the children in the 60 Minute segment, I found it very commendable the sense of family they hold on to. In my own home, money has been cut because my parents have opened their own business. This was not dramatic, but caused tension in the family. I can't imagine the amount of tension that can come from a loss of total income. I think that the children's family mentality is very special and important. Child poverty is a problem without an easy fix; however, it is a problem that can improve with time if the right lessons and education is incorporated.

Its hard to understand that there are so many children below poverty level. It has also grown over the years which is sad to see. I cant imagine how stressful that is the for family.

It really is hard to accept this. Unfortunately, for many people, the problem is largely hidden.

Thanks for writing this. The situation breaks my heart. So many problems in the world today--hunger, climate change, the deficit. Still, must persevere!

It's hard to believe that in this day and age children must still suffer from this sort of thing. We must work harder to find solutions!

Thanks for bringing this terrible problem to light. It's too easy to turn away, but we must face the issue.

It's a shame that this problem is so ignored by so many. When you really think about what this means--children who are experiencing hunger--it's really a terrible problem.

There's just so much inequality in this country. Forget morality. It's just bad for everyone! Successful society's don't have this kind of starving underclass. When will we learn?

I just came across this and found it very upsetting. To think that children are going hungry in this day and age.

I am an elementary aged teacher in the midwest. I have had my eyes blown open by what my kiddos are facing when they go home at night. Most have loving parents who have either lost a job, or taking care of medical bills. It is so hard to watch my students suffer from poverty. I have 2 children in my class structure that only get hot meals when at school. I hope we can find a way to help, and I mean really help these children around the nation.

On another note, I personally like this article “Children in Poverty” by Karen Sternheimer. I chose this article because I myself have a lot of child care experience and I think this information on poverty is important to know because it affects our society and even our politics in this country.


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